Data Package is a simple container format for describing a coherent collection of data in a single package. We have collected and sorted by the stars count all the data packages available as repositories on Github. Read more about Data Packages and Frictionless Data. If you are interested in contributing to this livemark please follow this guide.
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Data on the evolution of the COVID-19 disease in Brazil, processed from each state Health Secretariat's COVID-19 daily reports.
geodata data package providing geojson polygons for all the world's countries
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HSDS describes data about organizations, the services they provide, the locations at which these services can be accessed, and associated details.
Population figures for countries, regions (e.g. Asia) and the world. Data comes originally from World Bank and has been converted into standard CSV.
Carnegie Museum of Art is making public the collections records of all of its accessioned artworks. This release contains data on approximately 27365 objects across all departments of the museum; fine arts, decorative arts, photography, contemporary art, and the Heinz Architectural Center. Additionally, the metadata for the Teenie Harris Archive has been included. For ease of use, they are contained within their own files, but it includes approximately 58753 records using the same structure and format.
Country, regional and world GDP in current US Dollars ($). Regional means collections of countries e.g. Europe & Central Asia. Data is sourced from the World Bank and turned into a standard normalized CSV.
List of data journalism courses and programmes from universities and higher education institutions around the world.
Full BCP 47 language subtag data from the official IANA repository, in JSON format with multiple indices.
Global carbon cycle and emissions data, including fossil-fuel, cement, and land-use change emissions, atmospheric growth, and ocean and land sinks
Geometrías de todos los códigos postales de España, incluyendo los códigos INE de los municipios asociados
A database of over 600 battles that were fought between 1600AD and 1973AD. Descriptive data include battle name, date, and location; the strengths and losses on each side; identification of the victor; temporal duration of the battle; and selected environmental and tactical environment descriptors (such as type of fortifications, type of tactical scheme, weather conditions, width of front, etc.)This dataset is a revised, cleaned, expanded and packaged version of Helmbold's CDB90 data. However, it does not add any new battles to the data.
Brazilian city names, official codes (IBGE), and abbreviations throughout the country's history
This Data Package contains the delegation details of top-level domains
This is Data Package with information on public and private registers of clinical trials
Brazilian states 2-letter codes (ISO 3166-2:BR), official 'Unidades da Federação' abbreviations throughout the country's history
Timetable data and stop locations for all available TransLink South East Queensland urban bus, rail and ferry services.
City population yearly timeseries for female and male, and for both sexes, collected by the United Nations Statistics Division and published by UNData in 22 Dec 2014 Next update in UNdata: Jun 2015 (est.)Periodicity: biannual. Contains two datasets in CSV format: unsd-citypopulation-year-both.csv Size: 2.4 MB unsd-citypopulation-year-fm.csv File size: 3.7 MB Final 222 lines in both datasets contain original notes.
geodata data package providing geojson polygons for all the world's countries
This data contains cumulative changes in sea level for the world’s oceans since 1880, based on a combination of long-term tide gauge measurements and recent satellite measurements.
Listas de ocorrências de nomes próprios, e de nomes próprios aprovados ou rejeitados pelo IRN
Data are sourced from the World Bank, International Comparison Program database. One dataset is provided: PPP conversion factor, GDP (LCU per international $).
Divisiones territoriales de Costa Rica: provincias, cantones y distritos. (Territorial divisions of Costa Rica.)
Data are sourced from the US Government's Earth System Research Laboratory, Global Monitoring Division. Two main series are provided: the Mauna Loa series (which has the longest continuous series since 1958) and a Global Average series (a global average over marine surface sites).
Ocorrências registadas pela Autoridade Nacional de Proteção Civil (2016-2018)
Annual Consumer Price Index (CPI) for most countries in the world. Reference year is 2005.
Annual Consumer Price Index (CPI) for most countries in the world. Reference year is 2005.
UnitexGramLab sources of pt-BR dictionary adapted to standards for interoperability.
Combined dataset of signature, ratification, acceptance, or approval status of the Paris Climate Agreement, and the emissions shares used for entry into force.
Miscellaneous financial and economic data from the during the U.S. Civil War This is by no means a complete collection of available data, but consists of some datasets that I found or collected for my own research.
RICardo (Research on International Commerce) is a project dedicated to trade between nations over a period spanning the beginning of the Industrial Revolution to the eve of the Second World War. It combines a historical trade database covering all of the world’s countries and a website which invites to an exploration of the history of international trade through data visualizations.
This dataset contains the estimated religious composition of 198 countries and territories for 2010
(Intended) Nationally Determined Contributions as provided in the UNFCCC registries, containing only the main document and using the English version if multiple are available
The DAC Secretariat maintains various code lists which are used by donors to report on their aid flows to the DAC databases. In addition, these codes are used to classify information in the DAC databases.
geodata data package providing geojson polygons for United States' Internal Administrative Boundaries
geodata data package providing geojson polygons and shapefiles for Global Lakes and Wetlands Database
geodata data package providing geojson polygons and shp for administratives European NUTS levels 1, 2 and 3
This is cumulative change in mass balance of a set of reference glaciers worldwide beginning in 1945. The values represents the average of all the glaciers that were measured. Negative values indicate a net loss of ice and snow compared with the base year of 1945. For consistency, measurements are in meters of water equivalent, which represent changes in the average thickness of a glacier.
For the purposes of this Code, dangerous goods are classified in different classes, to subdivide a number of these classes and to define and describe characteristics and properties of the substances, material and articles which would fall within each class or division. General provisons for each class or division are given. Individual dangerous goods are listed in the Dangerous Goods List, with the class and any specific requirements. In accordance with the criteria for the selection of marine pollutants for the purposes of Annex III of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto (MARPOL 73/78), a number of dangerous substances in the various classes have also been identified as substances harmful to the marine environment (MARINE POLLUTANTS).
Classification of the Functions of Government (COFOG) is a classification defined by the United Nations Statistics Division. Its purpose is to "classify the purpose of transactions such as outlays on final consumption expenditure, intermediate consumption, gross capital formation and capital and current transfers, by general government" (from home page).
geodata data package providing geojson polygons and shapefiles for LME (Large Marine Ecosystems)
This is an Open Source Database for Photovoltaic Inverters. Everybody is welcome to contribute and use it.
Repository of the data package of the Cash Surplus or Deficit, in percentage of GDP, from 1990 to 2013.
Countries who have ratified the Doha Amendment establishing the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol
Data about the EU emission trading system (ETS). The EU emission trading system (ETS) is one of the main measures introduced by the EU to achieve cost-efficient reductions of greenhouse gas emissions and reach its targets under the Kyoto Protocol and other commitments. The data mainly comes from the EU Transaction Log (EUTL).
This is currently a list of these resellers throughout the world and some additional details. Currently, this data package is mostly resellers known for working with Italian company Hacking Team, but more will be added soon
Data are sourced from Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC). Four different series are provided: Global Annual Temperature Anomalies (Land) 1880-2014, Global Annual Temperature Anomalies (Land and Ocean) 1880-2014, Hemispheric Temperature Anomalies (Land+ Ocean) 1880-2014 and Annual Temperature anomalies (Land + Ocean) for three latitude bands that cover 30%, 40% and 30% of the global area, respectively, 1900-2014.
Current Incoterms used in international sale of goods as defined by international chamber of commerce
Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) as provided in the UNFCCC interim registry
Code list for terminal facilities built as an extension to UN/LOCODE
Coded representations of the package type names used in International Trade (UNECE/CEFACT Trade Facilitation Recommendation No.21)
Geocoded data based on survey of Edinburgh residents
Contain data for 59 countries at a quarterly frequency (real series are the nominal price series deflated by the consumer price index), both in levels and in growth rates (ie four series per country). These indicators have been selected from the detailed data set to facilitate access for users and enhance comparability. The BIS has made the selection based on the Handbook on Residential Property Prices and the experience and metadata of central banks. An analysis based on these selected indicators is also released on a quarterly basis, with a particular focus on longer-term developments in the May release.
Brazilian official names used in URN LEX and Government Gazettes (diários oficiais)
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Data package for Procedural Challenges: Machine Learning tasks for OCR of historical CJK newspapers
A list of common registers, components and open APIs used by governments around the world
Source: and extra research
A mapping between standard library aliases and abbreviated help texts.
Lista dos beneficiários de subvenções mensais vitalícias do Estado
A mapping between standard library package names and aliases.
Natural Earth Polygons for the states in the United Stated of America
Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) as submitted by parties
A mapping between standard library aliases and package names.
Data Package with two and three letter country codes and short English country names
Information on 20 years of the UN Climate Change negotiations from the [Earth
During the second half of Civic Tech Toronto's weekly meetups, we run a hack night. People pitch breakout groups to work and/or discuss projects of all sizes. This dataset aims to capture the history of that work.
This Data Package includes tabular data from the publication "Computing the Social Brain Connectome Across Systems and States" (
This Data Package includes tabular data from the publication "Computing the Social Brain Connectome Across Systems and States" (
This Data Package contains the raw data for the following publication: Aalbers, G., McNally, R. J., Heeren, A., De Wit, S., & Fried, E. I. (2019). Social media and depression symptoms: A network perspective. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 148(8), 1454. The raw data can be found at the Open Science Framework:
This dataset contains number and percentage of diabetes patients in the US during 2013 grouped by ZIP code. The prevalence and incidence of diabetes have increased in the United States in recent decades, no studies have systematically examined long-term, national trends in the prevalence and incidence of diagnosed diabetes. The prevalence of diabetes increased substantially between 2000 and 2007, mainly because there are more patients with a new diagnosis each year than those who die. The increase observed by 2007 almost reached the World Health Organization prediction for 2030.
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) for food is a component of the all-items CPI. The CPI measures the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a representative market basket of consumer goods and services. While the all-items CPI measures the price changes for all consumer goods and services, including food, the CPI for food measures the changes in the retail prices of food items only. is a consolidated multi-source open dataset of metadata from the COVID-19 outbreak in the Indian state of Kerala. It is created and maintained by volunteers of ‘Collective for Open Data Distribution-Keralam’ (CODD-K), a nonprofit consortium of individuals formed for the distribution and longevity of open-datasets. covers a set of correlated temporal and spatial metadata of SARS-CoV-2 infections and prevention measures in Kerala. Static releases of this dataset snapshots are manually produced from a live database maintained as a set of publicly accessible Google sheets. This dataset is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License v1.0 (ODC-BY 1.0).
This is an Open Source Database for Photovoltaic Modules. Everybody is welcome to contribute and use it.
Summary statistics on programming languages used in libraries via the code in their GitHub projects.
Polygons polygons for the largest administrative subdivisions in every countries
Meat Consumption estimates 2017-2026 by The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
US infant mortality data, by race, from 1915 to 2013.
Anscombe's quartet is a set of 4 datasets which all have nearly identical simple statistical properties but vary considerably when graphed. Anscombe created the datasets to demonstrate why graphical data exploration should precede statistical data analysis and to show the effect of outliers on statistical properties.
Documentos dos Termos de Parceria e Contratos de Gestão firmados pelos órgãos e entidades do Poder Executivo Estadual com OSCIPs e Organizações Sociais
Kiekvienos dienos duomenys apie viešojo transporto važiavimą pagal suplanuotus grafikus.
Labeled wireless sensor network data set collected from a multi-hop wireless sensor network deployment using TelosB motes.
Labeled wireless sensor network data set collected from a simple single-hop wireless sensor network deployment using TelosB motes.
A (corrected) dataset derived from information collected by the US Census Service concerning housing in Boston, Massachusetts (1978).
This dataset contains all repositories of "frictionlessdata" organisation on Github, including their
Municipal Grand List reports indicators of the Equalized Net Grand List and related Mill Rates.
A dataset derived from information collected by the US Census Service concerning housing in Boston, Massachusetts (1978).
Japanese Zipcode CSV data from Japan Post. Original data is encoded by Shift_JIS.
Dados com as indicações impositivas realizadas em 2020 - até a coluna U
Data for Charles Joseph Minard's cartographic depiction of Napoleon's Russian campaign of 1812.
A (corrected) dataset derived from information collected by the US Census Service concerning housing in Boston, Massachusetts (1978).
The Gini Ratio (or index of income concentration) is a statistical measure of income equality ranging from 0 to 1.
Bullying reports the Total number of bullying incidents and the number of students with at least 1 bullying incident at the school district and state level.
Lung Cancer Deaths reports the number, crude rate, and age-adjusted mortality rate (AAMR) of deaths due to lung cancer.
Chronic Absenteeism reports the percentage of chronically absent students during a school year, per special education status.
DE: Dieses Data Package beschreibt die die offenen Behördendaten der Denkmalpflege Kanton Zürich.EN: This dataset describes the open government data offerings of the built heritage service of the canton of Zurich.
Employment by Industry reports several labor statistics related to employment and wage.
FiveThirtyEight reader responses to a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ).
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freeCodeCamp's new coder data including survey data on demographic information and coding related activities
Example DataPackage: datasets with two different types - tabular and GeoJSON
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Self-Employment by Occupation by Town reports the size of the employed population of civilian workers aged 16 years and older, by business type and occupation, including management, sales, and production occupations. In the Business Type column, individual Business Types are presented as percentages of the Total employed population for the corresponding occupation in the Occupation column.
Self-Employment by Occupation by County reports the size of the employed population of civilian workers aged 16 years and older, by business type and occupation, including management, sales, and production occupations. In the Business Type column, individual Business Types are presented as percentages of the Total employed population for the corresponding occupation in the Occupation column.
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Data Fusion of:Companies: RAW - Companies House Records; Raw - Relatorios de Contas (act Nov 2016); RAW - Crunchbase and Webpages and FINOVAFCR´s: Raw - Relatorios de Contas (act Nov 2016); RAW - Crunchbase and Webpages and FINOVA
Data on road accidents in the European Union for the year 2018. Few data features are dated in 2013,2016,2017.
Modified table of European Union Road Safety Facts and Figures
List of Connecticut school districts and reference fixed school districts along with FIPS codes.
List of Connecticut cities, towns and subtowns with FIPS codes.
Candidates who we think are the same in the 2014 EU Parliament election and the 2015 Westminster General Election
A script to get a CSV file of daily natural gas prices from
Data Fusion of: Companies: RAW - Companies House Records; Raw - Relatorios de Contas (act Nov 2016); RAW - Crunchbase and Webpages and FINOVA FCR´s: Raw - Relatorios de Contas (act Nov 2016); RAW - Crunchbase and Webpages and FINOVA
Esse repositório armazena exemplos de data packages para construção de minimal, reproducible examples (reprex)
Detailed country-level production data per agricultural commodity, including livestock, grains, and so on. 173 distinct categories, yearly data since 1960
Democracy Club WhereDoIVote usage by Local Authority 5th June 2017 - 8th June 2017
Democracy Club WhereDoIVote usage by Local Authority 30th April 2018 - 3rd May 2018. Covers the 152 local authorities with a scheduled local or mayoral election on 3rd May 2018
Python parser reads in excel EITI reports and writes out formatted json and csv to output folder
a dataset on European Union Road Safety Facts and Figures from ""
Connecticut Department of Administrative Services publish data on school construction, including grants, bonds, and payments. Projects are reported by town and by code. This dataset is the crosswalk for interpreting the publish codes.
Four survey targets (1, 2, 3, 4) were deployed in June 2005 and one (5) in September 2005, within one km of the calving face using a helicopter. The maximum lifetime of the markers was limited to 15 days, before each succumbed to calving. Positions of the targets were obtained using a Leica total station robotic survey theodolite at nominal time separation of 20-30 minutes.
A detailed list of FSA data assets and data-sets. Covering plans, registers, stakeholder lists, and businesses reports.
The Open Data Index assesses the state of open government data around the world.
A schema for collecting open data about charitable organizations across major topical areas.
This is a register of software releases for NHS Test & Trace's digital products. It is built from publically avaliable information. It is currently limited to mobile apps.
Henry Hub Natural Gas Spot Price (Dollars per Million Btu). Data is sourced from the United Energy Information Administrtion and turned into a standard normalized CSV.
Descrição do datapackage, em formato markdown
Details of all spending on Government Procurement Cards used by Oxford City Council. Data includes the spend date, supplier name and amount. Data is normally supplied monthly, but may be quarterly depending on transaction volume.
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The FSA information asset list shows a collection of different types of information relating to a topic. Recording that they have value so they can be managed together and effectively used, shared and protected.
webpages -> Recolha de dados (investimentos) de vários sitesCrunchbase -> Rondas de Financiamento reportadas na CrunchbaseData: última actulização set/16 (confirmar docs)
Description is not provided
Description "Much of the data available to view on is available in several formats through the Audioscrobbler Web Services API." Format Data variously available in Plain, XML, XSPF, iCal and RSS. License "All web services here are for non-commercial use only under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License. If you want to use these services in a commercial context you must contact partners at last dot fm first to get a seperate license." "If the data you are using was generated directly by you (ie. it is your profile data, recent tracks etc) then you can do whatever you want with it. Don't worry about any licensing restrictions. If the data was generated by, or other users of the site, then you must abide by the CC license above (or a commercial license from us). If you have ads on the site you wish to use this data on, you might be wondering does that count as commercial use?. If the ads are barely covering your running costs, we consider that non-commercial. Actually we consider most stuff non-commercial. If you are making a healthy profit from your site, and using this data to enhance the site, that sounds commercial. Any queries, just get in touch with us." Other formats A partial RDF version is available at package:dbtune-audioscrobbler.
Labor Market Areas lists the 169 municipalities in Connecticut and their corresponding LMA.
Data fusion raw files. Partes relacionadas, participadas, de investimentos em venture capital retirados relatórios de contas de diversas entidades que tem participações em VC;
telecom-operators-of-the-world This is a dataset of leading telecom operators of the world
Government Addresses contains contact information for the municipalities in Connecticut.
Census Annual Population Estimates by County presents the 1-year population estimates per county, for a given year.
Regional Planning Areas lists the 169 municipalities in Connecticut and their corresponding Regional Council of Governments Planning Area.
Cleaned-up and consolidated car fuel consumption and emissions data for years2000 to 2013. Data is published by the Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA), an Executive Agency of the United Kingdom Department for Transport. Data is available to download at . It is assumed that the data is released under the UK Open Government License . For more details about the data, please check the information booklet . Data Cleaning The original data is published in separate CSV file starting from 2000, butthe format is not consistent across years. Data has been consolidated formachine using OpenRefine . The script with the tasksperformed on the 2013 CSV files is included in the scripts folder. Someexample operations performed include: Consolidate different field names across different years Consolidate measure units for emissions data across different years Set proper field types to allow indexing and analysis (eg numeric fields) Normalize manufacturer and model descriptions Trim excess whitespace Fix encoding for special characters etc Note that the resulting dataset does not include all fields in the originaldata, only those deemed more relevant.
Contain data for 59 countries at a quarterly frequency (real series are the nominal price series deflated by the consumer price index), both in levels and in growth rates (ie four series per country). These indicators have been selected from the detailed data set to facilitate access for users and enhance comparability. The BIS has made the selection based on the Handbook on Residential Property Prices and the experience and metadata of central banks. An analysis based on these selected indicators is also released on a quarterly basis, with a particular focus on longer-term developments in the May release.
Business Formations by County reports the total number of businesses formations by county as reported by the Secretary of the State, CONCORD Business Inquiry database.
This dataset contains European Union Road Safety Facts and Figures from wikipedia
Registos alterações de Capital (registo, entidade públicas), nomeadamente Portal das Publicações (Ministério da Justiça).Link: com doc originais:ão zipada (456,7 MB): tbu1214 docs (pdf): 554,7 MB on disk):
Finnish Government Expenditure 2002-2015Source:
Bachelorette / Bachelor This folder contains the data behind the stories: [How To Spot A F
Median Home Value by County reports the median value of all owner occupied housing units.
Contém informações sobre aplicação das doses da vacina contra o novo coronavírus.
Business Formations by Town reports the total number of businesses formations by town as reported by the Secretary of the State, CONCORD Business Inquiry database.
L'ANAS pubblica sul suo sito la pagina “ Info Cantieri ” per conoscere i lavori in corso per la costruzione di nuove opere e per la manutenzione straordinaria. Lo stato dei lavori viene aggiornato a cadenze regolari. Le informazioni e le date riportate riguardano gli “Stati di Avanzamento Lavori” comunicati dalle imprese e gli impegni contrattuali previsti per la conclusione delle opere. I dati sono consultabili da interfaccia web, ma scegliendo prima la regione e poi le singole strade; estrarne un quadro con i dettagli per tutte le strade gestite è laborioso e richiede tempo. E non è disponibile per il download un file di insieme.
Subsidized Housing reports the number of housing units receiving assistance.
Health Insurance Coverage reports the prevalance of Health Insurance coverage disaggregated by age group.
Total Households by County reports a total count of households for a given county and year.
Single Housing Units reports the number and percent of housing units that are single, detached units.
DPH Annual Population Estimates by Town reports population by Town, as estimated by the Connecticut Department of Public Health.
Median Home Value by Town reports the median value of all owner occupied housing units.
Suicide reports the number, crude rate, and age-adjusted mortality rate (AAMR) of suicide.
Annual Housing Permits by County reports the number of residential permits issued annually for new residential structures.
English Proficiency by Age reports demographic details regarding how many people speak English natively, and the proficiency of non-native speakers.
Major Employers reports the top five employers by town. Rank is based on the number of employees.
Major Employers reports the top five employers by town. Rank is based on the number of employees.
Locations of waste collection and recycling stations in Switzerland
Official control monitoring data for chemical contaminants found in shellfish.
Housing Units Built Before 1950 reports the number of housing units built before 1950 in each location.
Social Security Status reports the number and percentage of households with and without Social Security Income (SSI), as well as the margin of error for this estimation.
Student Enrollment reports the number of enrolled students per year, per grade.
Student Enrollment reports the number of enrolled students per year, per grade.
Suspension Rate reports the percentage of students who have received at least one sanction (ISS, OSS, EXP) during a school year, for all students.
Public vs Private Enrollment by County reports the number and proportion of students enrolled in public or private schools.
A list of the scheduled dairy inspection visits of premises registered with the Food Standards Agency
Fetal and Infant Mortality - 1-Year Aggregations by Town reports the number and rate of fetal, neonatal, natal, and infant deaths.
Median Rent by County reports the median rent of all occupied units paying rent.
Moody's Ratings reports the rating of creditworthiness provided by Moody's Corporation.
Educational Attainment reports the level of education of individuals over the age of 25, disaggregated by gender.
Suspension Rate reports the percentage of students who have received at least one sanction (ISS, OSS, EXP) during a school year, per gender.
Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Crashes reports the number of recorded DUI crashes, fatalities, and injuries per town, for a given year.
Subsidized Housing by Type reports the number of housing units receiving assistance by Type.
Annual Housing Permits by Town reports the number of residential permits issued annually for new residential structures.
Total Housing Units by Town reports the estimated total number of housing units disaggregated by occupancy status.
Student Enrollment reports the number of enrolled students per year, for all students.
Suspension Rate reports the percentage of students who have received at least one sanction (ISS, OSS, EXP) during a school year, per grade.
Student Enrollment reports the number of enrolled students per year, per English language learner status.
Distribution of Home Sales reports the number of single family home sales by Price Range (2011-2013).
Numbers of Certificates of Competence (CoC) and Temporary Certificates of Competence (TCoC) issued by Food Standards Agency.
The Pre-K Students - PSIS dataset presents the number of children in public pre-kindergarten programs by their District of attendance.
Chronic Absenteeism reports the percentage of chronically absent students during a school year, for all students.
Suspension Rate by Race reports the percentage of students who have received at least one sanction (ISS, OSS, EXP) during a school year, per race/ethnicity.
Fetal and Infant Mortality - 3-Year Aggregations by Town reports the number and rate of fetal, neonatal, natal, and infant deaths.
Annual Average Employment and Wages reports several labor statistics related to employment and wage.
Chronic Absenteeism reports the percentage of chronically absent students during a school year, per grade.
Distribution of Home Sales reports the number of single family home sales by Price Range (2001-2016).
Suspension Rate reports the percentage of students who have received at least one sanction (ISS, OSS, EXP) during a school year, for English language learners
Smarter Balanced reports the number and percentage of students assessed by the Smarter Balanced (SB) Assessment, per subgroup.
Smarter Balanced reports the number and percentage of students assessed by the Smarter Balanced (SB) Assessment, per subgroup.
Data on the evolution of the COVID-19 disease in Brazil, processed from each state Health Secretariat's COVID-19 daily reports.
Commuting and Residence reports the number of commuters into and out of each municipality.
Residential Mobility by Tenure reports the number and proportion of people whose place of residence changed in the past 12 months
Suspension Rate reports the percentage of students who have received at least one sanction (ISS, OSS, EXP) during a school year, for students with special education status.
This dataset contains average counts of bicycle traffic by hour of the day and day of the week. Data is collected from bicycle counters across 14 active transport sites. As more sites come on line in the future these will be added to the dataset. These bicycle counters were installed in conjunction with the State Cycle Unit and are permanent installations that provide 24/7 bicycle counting data.
Student Enrollment reports the number of enrolled students per year, per gender.
Chronic Absenteeism reports the percentage of chronically absent students during a school year, per race-ethnicity.
Median Age by Town reports the median age of a population for a given Town, Race/Ethnicity, Year, and Gender.
Student Enrollment reports the number of enrolled students per year, per special education status.
Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions reports the number of monthly admissions to Substance Abuse programs, as reported to the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS), and organized by town.
Suspension Rate reports the percentage of students who have received at least one sanction (ISS, OSS, EXP) during a school year, for students eligible for free/reduced price meals.
Fetal and Infant Mortality - 3-Year Aggregations by County reports the number and rate of fetal, neonatal, natal, and infant deaths.
SNAP Recipients by Town reports the number and percent of households that receive SNAP, by race/ethnicity of the householder.
Student Enrollment reports the number of enrolled students per year, per meal eligibility.
Remunerações do Sistema de Justiça Brasileiro, libertadas por DadosJusBR
NCD RisC Average Height per Country Data Package
Children by Family Type reports the number and percent of children living in families by child age and by family type.
Grand List Top 10 Totals reports the total value of the ten highest valued properties by municipality.
Grand List Top 10 Totals reports the total value of the ten highest valued properties by municipality.
Public vs Private Enrollment by Town reports the number and proportion of students enrolled in public or private schools.
Per Capita Income by County reports the 5-year estimated mean income for every individual, disaggregated by Race or Ethnicity.
Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Crashes reports the number of recorded DUI crashes, fatalities, and injuries per town, for a given year.
Chronic Absenteeism reports the percentage of chronically absent students during a school year, per meal eligibility.
Sanctions reports the total number and type of educational sanctions at the school district and state level.
Population Projections by Town reports the projected population of Connecticut, disaggregated by town, gender and age cohort, in 5-year intervals.
This dataset belongs to the functional MRI study entitled: 'Decoding social knowledge in the human brain'. The stud addressed how the brain maps different aspects of social information. We focused on two key dimensions of social knowledge: affect and likableness. Thirty participants were presented with audio definitions, half referring to affective (e.g. empathetic) and half to non-affective concepts (e.g. intelligent). Orthogonally, half of the concepts were highly likable (e.g. sincere) and half were socially undesirable (e.g. liar). We used a support vector machine to delineate how both concept dimensions are represented in a set of 9 \textit{a priori} brain regions defined from previous meta-analyses on semantic and social cognition. We show that average decoding in semantic regions (e.g. lateral temporal lobe, inferior frontal gyrus, and precuneus) outperformed social ROIs (e.g. insula and anterior cingulate), with the lateral temporal lobe containing the highest amount of information about the affect and likableness of social concepts. We also found that the insula had a bias towards affect while the likableness dimension was better represented in anterior cingulate cortex. Our results do not support a modular view of social knowledge representation. They rather indicate that the brain representation of social concepts implicates a distributed network of regions that involves 'domain-specific' social cognitive systems, but with a greater dependence on language-semantic processing.
Chronic Absenteeism reports the percentage of chronically absent students during a school year, per English language learner status.
Self-Employment by Business Type by County reports the size of the employed population of civilian workers aged 16 years and older, by business type, including self-employed, private, and government workers. In the Business Type column, individual Business Types are presented as percentages of the Total employed population for a given county.
Households With Children reports a count and proportion of households by tenure and household type, given a presence or absence of own children under the age of 18.
Per Capita Income by Town reports the 5-year estimated mean income for every individual, disaggregated by Race or Ethnicity.
Population Projections by County reports the projected population of Connecticut, disaggregated by county, gender and age cohort, in 5-year intervals.
Fetal and Infant Mortality - 5-Year Aggregations by Town reports the number and rate of fetal, neonatal, natal, and infant deaths.
Cost-burdened Households by County reports the number and percent of households that spend at least 30 percent of annual household income on housing costs, by householder status.
SNAP Recipients by County reports the number and percent of households that receive SNAP, by race/ethnicity of the householder.
Student Enrollment reports the number of enrolled students per year, per race-ethnicity.
The fiscal household of the state of Rheinland Pfalz for the years of 2016, 2017 and 2018
Population by Age by Town reports the number and percentage of people living in an area, per age range, gender, and Race/Ethnicity.
Educational Need reports special services and accommodations provided to students by school districts.
Fetal and Infant Mortality - 5-Year Aggregations by County reports the number and rate of fetal, neonatal, natal, and infant deaths.
Substance Treatment Admissions by Drug Type reports the monthly admission counts by primary drug of choice as reported to the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services.
Census Annual Population Estimates by Town presents the 1-year population estimates per town, for a given year.
Marijuana Use reports the prevalence of the consumption of marijuana by age range.
Disengaged Youth reports the number and percent of the population ages 16 to 19 that are both engaged and disengaged, by gender.
This dataset corresponds to the data gathered for my PhD project. It contains participants' scores in measures of receptive vocabulary, non-verbal IQ, sentence repetition, morphosyntax production and comprehension, phonological awareness, working memory, and music skills. Participants' age is available in months.
Population Projections by Town reports the projected population of Connecticut, disaggregated by town, gender and age cohort, in 5-year intervals.
Four-Year Graduation Rate reports 'graduation' counts and rates and 'still enrolled' counts and rates for both graduates and non-graduates, per English language learner status.
Self-Employment by Business Type by Town reports the size of the employed population of civilian workers aged 16 years and older, by business type, including self-employed, private, and government workers. In the Business Type column, individual Business Types are presented as percentages of the Total employed population for a given town.
Residential Mobility by Poverty Status reports the number and proportion of people whose place of residence changed in the last 12 months, disaggregated by poverty status.
Median Age by County reports the median age of a population for a given County, Race/Ethnicity, Year, and Gender.
Tabelas Relatório de Risco (CMVM) 2009 Fonte: Correcções (somas, etc) Data recolha dados 07/15
Four-Year Graduation Rate reports 'graduation' counts and rates and 'still enrolled' counts and rates for both graduates and non-graduates, per gender.
Cost-burdened Households by Town reports the number and percent of households that spend at least 30 percent of annual household income on housing costs, by householder status.
Median Household Income by County reports the median household income, per race/ethnicity.
The FSA has two pay scales – one for staff based in London and a national scale for all other staff.
Population Projections by Town reports the projected population of Connecticut, disaggregated by town, gender and age cohort, in 5-year intervals.
Prescription Drug Misuse reports the prevalence of the misuse of prescription pain killers by age range.
Conjunto que reúne métricas de acesso dos Portais da Transparência e dos Dados Abertos
Four-Year Graduation Rate reports 'graduation' counts and rates and 'still enrolled' counts and rates for both graduates and non-graduates, for all students.
Labor Force reports the size of the civilian noninstitutionalized labor force, by category.
Labor Force reports the size of the civilian noninstitutionalized labor force, by category.
Population by Age by County reports the number and percentage of people living in an area, per age range, gender, and Race/Ethnicity.
Four-Year Graduation Rate reports 'graduation' counts and rates and 'still enrolled' counts and rates for both graduates and non-graduates, per high-needs status.
FSA Northern Ireland Official Control Shellfish Sampling Dates for Water
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions reports the number, percent, and rate of admissions to Mental Health and Substance Abuse programs, as reported to the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS), and organized by town and fiscal year.
Kindergarten Entrance Inventory Results reports the number and percentage of kindergarten students, per inventory domain skill level.
Perception of Great Risk of Drug Use reports the prevalence of a perception that the use of drugs can cause great harm.
Coded representations of the package type names used in International Trade (UNECE/CEFACT Trade Facilitation Recommendation No.20)
Tabelas Relatório de Risco (CMVM) 2008 Fonte: Correcções (somas, etc) Data recolha dados 07/15
UCR Crime Index reports the number and rate of violent and property crimes, per crime type.
Driving under the Influence Arrests reports the number and rate (per 10,000) of recorded DUI offenses, per age range.
Drug Arrests reports the number and rate (per 10,000) of arrests due to drug law offenses, per age range.
Births by Maternal Socioeconomic Characteristics - 5-Year Aggregations reports the 5-year number and percentage of births in certain categories by maternal background information (years of education and marital status).
Children in Placement by Race reports the number of children in Connecticut Department of Children and Families (DCF) placement by Racial or Ethnic Group.
Children in Placement by Age reports the number of children in Connecticut Department of Children and Families (DCF) placement by Age Group.
Non-working Parents reports the percent of children living in families where no parent is in the labor force.
Poverty Status by County reports the number and percentage of people and children living in poverty, by race/ethnicity and age range.
Births by Maternal Socioeconomic Characteristics - 3-Year Aggregations reports the 3-year number and percentage of births in certain categories by maternal background information (years of education and marital status).
Four-Year Graduation Rate reports 'graduation' counts and rates and 'still enrolled' counts and rates for both graduates and non-graduates, per meal eligibility.
Four-Year Graduation Rate reports 'graduation' counts and rates and 'still enrolled' counts and rates for both graduates and non-graduates, per race-ethnicity.
Tabelas Relatório de Risco (CMVM) 2010 Fonte: Correcções (somas, etc) Data recolha dados 07/15
Meta data for our project: Cross-european analysis of Spotify song preferences using Spotifyr
Illicit Drug Use reports the prevalence of the consumption of illicit substances by age range.
List of DC public government employees and salaries in 2011; acquired by Washington Times via FOIA requests. Originally published at: by @lukerosiak
Births by Maternal Demographic Characteristics - 5-Year Aggregations reports the 5-year average number and percentage of births in certain categories by maternal demographic characteristics (mother's age, race, and ethnicity).
Liquor Law Arrests reports the number and rate (per 10,000) of arrests due to state or local liquor law violations, per age group.
Children in Placement by Gender reports the number of children in Connecticut Department of Children and Families (DCF) placement by Gender.
Liquor Law Arrests reports the number and rate (per 10,000) of arrests due to state or local liquor law violations, per age group.
Births by Maternal Demographic Characteristics - 3-Year Aggregations reports the 3-year average number and percentage of births in certain categories by maternal demographic characteristics (mother's age, race, and ethnicity).
Documentos dos Termos de Parceria e Contratos de Gestão firmados pelos órgãos e entidades do Poder Executivo Estadual com OSCIPs e Organizações Sociais
Single-parent Families reports the number and percent of families that are headed by a single parent, by the relation of children under the age of 18 years.
A list of 10,000 men's shoes and the various prices at which they are sold. About This Data This is a list of 10,000 men's shoes provided by Datafiniti's Product Database . The dataset includes shoe name, brand, price, and more. Each shoe will have an entry for each price found for it and some shoes may have multiple entries. Note that this is a sample of a large dataset. The full dataset is available through Datafiniti. What You Can Do with This Data You can use this data to determine brand markups, pricing strategies, and trends for luxury shoes . E.g.: What is the average price of each distinct brand listed? Which brands have the highest prices? Which ones have the widest distribution of prices? Is there a typical price distribution (e.g., normal) across brands or within specific brands? Further processing data would also let you: Correlate specific product features with changes in price. You can cross-reference this data with a sample of our Women's Shoe Prices to see if there are any differences between women's brands and men's brands. Data Schema A full schema for the data is available in our support documentation . About Datafiniti Datafiniti provides instant access to web data. We compile data from thousands of websites to create standardized databases of business, product, and property information. Learn more . Interested in the Full Dataset? Get this data and more by creating a free Datafiniti account or requesting a demo .
Este conjunto de dados contém relação das contratações celebradas pelo Governo de Minas Gerais com fulcro na Lei Federal n. 13.979 de 06 de fevereiro de 2020 para enfrentamento da emergência de saúde pública de importância internacional decorrente do coronavírus.
Remunerações do Sistema de Justiça Brasileiro, libertadas por DadosJusBR
Accidental Drug Related Deaths by Individual Drugs Detected reports totals and subtotals of deaths attributable to accidental drug overdoses by place of death as reported by the Connecticut Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. Deaths are by grouped age, race, ethnicity, and gender and by the individuals drugs detected post-death. The companion dataset, Accidental Drug Related Deaths by Drug Type, reports subtotals by various aggregated categories.
Description is not provided
The JRC-PPDB-OPEN is primarily based on a collection of all the information published by ENTSO-E on the European power plants at unit level. This information was extended, improved, and where possible corrected using information contained in open datasets published by WRI Powerwatch , Global energy observatory , FRESNA and the EEA. The JRC-PPDB-OPEN database is a first attempt towards a more detailed and coherent, albeit still incomplete, dataset of European power plants. Further work to expand and improve the information contained therein is called for. To this extend, and in order to facilitate the future involvement of third parties in such efforts, the associations between records in the different datasets (linkage) are included.
Child Abuse and Neglect presents the total number of allegations, substantiated cases, and the substantiation rate by allegation type for a given town. These data are subsettable by type of allegation and status of the report. Substantiation rate is calculated as a percent of total allegations that are considered 'substantiated' based on independent evaluations. DCF collects and carries annual data. DCF also publishes town-level data online in town reports.
Housing Tenure by Race and Ethnicity by County reports facts about housing units by tenure type and Race/Ethnicity.
Poverty Status by Town reports the number and percentage of people and children living in poverty, by race/ethnicity and age range.
Births by Maternal Demographic Characteristics - 1-Year Data reports the annual number and percentage of births in certain categories by maternal demographic characteristics (mother's age, race, and ethnicity).
Births by Maternal Behaviors - 1-Year Data reports the annual number and percentage of births in certain categories by maternal behavior characteristics (smoking status during pregnancy and initiation of prenatal care).
Remunerações do Sistema de Justiça Brasileiro, libertadas por DadosJusBR
Tabelas Relatório de Risco (CMVM) 2011 Fonte: Correcções (somas, etc) Data recolha dados 07/15
Housing Tenure by Race and Ethnicity by Town reports facts about housing units by tenure type and Race/Ethnicity.
Cleaned data from a small survey of data sharing attitudes and practices at Aarhus University, Denmark
FSA Northern Ireland Official Control Shellfish Sampling Dates for Biotoxins
Residential Mobility by Race and Ethnicity reports the number and proportion of people who changed their place of residence in the past 12 months.
Births by Maternal Socioeconomic Characteristics - 1-Year Data reports the annual number and percentage of births in certain categories by maternal background information (years of education and marital status).
Tabelas Relatório de Risco (CMVM) 2012 Fonte: Correcções (somas, etc) Data recolha dados 07/15
Global metaproteomic dataset for KM1128 the METZYME expedition. Size fractionated samples collected by McLane pump filters (filter size 0.2 – 3.0 micron). The global proteome dataset presented here included 16951 protein identifications and 31994 unique peptide identifications (Table S1) compiled from 37 samples and 74 raw files (CID and HCD modes for each file) and ### total spectra.
Births by Maternal Behaviors - 3-Year Aggregations reports the 3-year average number and percentage of births in certain categories by maternal behavior characteristics (smoking status during pregnancy and initiation of prenatal care).
Births by Maternal Behaviors - 5-Year Aggregations reports the 5-year average number and percentage of births in certain categories by maternal behavior characteristics (smoking status during pregnancy and initiation of prenatal care).
Description is not provided
FSA Northern Ireland Official Control Shellfish Sampling Dates for Microbiology
Complaints about the Food Standards Agency handled under stage 1 to 3 of the formal complaints process.
Requirement to publish percentage of our invoices paid within i) 5 Days and ii) 30 Days on a quarterly basis.
Mental Health reports the prevalence of the mental illness in the past year by age range.
Accidental Drug Related Deaths by Drug Type reports totals and subtotals of deaths attributable to accidental drug overdoses by place of death as reported by the Connecticut Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. Deaths are grouped by age, race, ethnicity, and gender and by the types of drugs detected post-death.
Four-Year Graduation Rate reports 'graduation' counts and rates and 'still enrolled' counts and rates for both graduates and non-graduates, per special education status.
Public Libraries reports the total and per capita service use and finances of public libraries.
A list of 10,000 men's shoes and the various prices at which they are sold. About This Data This is a list of 10,000 men's shoes provided by Datafiniti's Product Database . The dataset includes shoe name, brand, price, and more. Each shoe will have an entry for each price found for it and some shoes may have multiple entries. Note that this is a sample of a large dataset. The full dataset is available through Datafiniti. What You Can Do with This Data You can use this data to determine brand markups, pricing strategies, and trends for luxury shoes . E.g.: What is the average price of each distinct brand listed? Which brands have the highest prices? Which ones have the widest distribution of prices? Is there a typical price distribution (e.g., normal) across brands or within specific brands? Further processing data would also let you: Correlate specific product features with changes in price. You can cross-reference this data with a sample of our Women's Shoe Prices to see if there are any differences between women's brands and men's brands. Data Schema A full schema for the data is available in our support documentation . About Datafiniti Datafiniti provides instant access to web data. We compile data from thousands of websites to create standardized databases of business, product, and property information. Learn more . Interested in the Full Dataset? Get this data and more by creating a free Datafiniti account or requesting a demo .
Municipal Revenue and Expenditures reports indicators of Municipal revenue, taxes, and expenditures.
This data has been provided by the Planning Ministry of Minas Gerais for the World Bank.
Juvenile Arrests reports the number and rate of arrests for juveniles under the age of 18, per type of crime.
This dataset includes expenditure data as published in the Estimates of National Expenditure. Departmental expenditure data in previous financial years have been aligned with the budget and programme structures of departments as they are structured in the current Medium Term Expenditure Framework. This means that the structure of historical expenditure data for a department, may not necessarily reflect the same structure of that department when expenditure was incurred during a particular financial year. This may be due to functions shifts which may have occurred within a particular department or a general change in a department’s budget programme structures (BPS) as departments are afforded an opportunity before the start of the Budget to change their BPS.This is to ensure a more economical, efficient and effective delivery of public services and performance by the department as a whole.
Tabelas Relatório de Risco (CMVM) 2014 Fonte: Correcções (somas, etc) Data recolha dados 07/15
Tabelas Relatório de Risco (CMVM) 2013 Fonte: Correcções (somas, etc) Data recolha dados 07/15
Tabelas Relatório de Risco (CMVM) 2015 Fonte: Correcções (somas, etc)Data recolha dados 07/16 Notas Valor sob Gestao O “Valor sob Gestao” e obtido pela soma das rubricas de participacoes sociais, outros financiamentos1 , liquidez2 , posicoes sobre derivados (opcoes) e outros ativos, a que sao subtraidos o endividamento e os outros passivos.3 Este conceito e semelhante ao conceito de VLGF dos Fundos de Capital de Risco Notas Ativos sob Gestao Os “Ativos sob Gestao” sao calculados atraves da soma das rubricas de participacoes sociais, outros financiamentos, liquidez, posicoes sobre derivados (opcoes) e outros ativos.4 Notas "Valor do Setor O “Valor do Setor” (ou valor comercial do capital de risco) resulta da soma das rubricas de participacoes sociais, outros financiamentos e posicoes sobre derivados (opcoes), a que se adiciona tambem o capital nao realizado mas subscrito pelosparticipantes ou pelos acionistas." Notas Investimento O “Investimento” e uma variavel stock obtida atraves da soma das rubricas de participacoes sociais e outros financiamentos (rubricas 1 e 2 do Anexo I da Instrucao da CMVM n.. 2/2013). Notas Valor Liquido Global do Fundo (VLGF) O “Valor Liquido Global do Fundo” ou de compartimento patrimonial autonomo deste e o montante correspondente ao valor total dos respetivos ativos, subtraido do valor total dos seus passivos. Notas 1 Prestacoes acessorias, prestacoes suplementares, suprimentos, obrigacoes e outros titulos de divida, emprestimos nao titulados e unidades de participacao de FCR.Notas 2 Ate a adocao da Instrucao n.. 2/2013 da CMVM, a informacao relativa a liquidez considerava a informacao transmitida pelas SCR a CMVM e referida no ponto 1.4 (Outros Ativos de Capital de Risco) do Anexo I do Regulamento da CMVM n.. 1/2008. Ou seja, “os depositos e outros meios liquidos afetos ao investimento em capital de risco”Notas 3 Ou seja, corresponde a soma das rubricas 1, 2, 3, 51 e 52, a que se subtraem as rubricas 4 e 53 do Anexo I da Instrucao n. 2/2013 da CMVM.Notas 4 Ou seja, corresponde a soma das rubricas 1, 2, 3, 51 e 52 do Anexo I da Instrucao n. 2/2013 da CMVM. O artigo 2. (Calculo dos ativos sob gestao) do Regulamento Delegado (UE) N.. 231/2013 da Comissao, de 19 de Dezembro de 2012, que complementa a Diretiva 2011/61/UE do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho, identifica a formulacao respeitante ao “valor correspondente dos ativos sob gestao”.
Structural and Cohesion Funds are financial tools set up to implement the regional policy of the European Union. They aim to reduce regional disparities in income wealth and opportunities. The overall budget for the 2007-2013 period was €347 billion according to Wikipedia. This repository is a data pipeline. It channels information about the beneficiaries of the funds into the OpenSpending data store. The goal is to provide a unified data-set that is easy to visualize and query so that citizens and journalists can follow the money on a local and global scale. This project is a collaborative effort between Open-Knowledge Germany, Open Knowledge International and a number of journalists and developers.
Description is not provided
List of internal audits in the Audit Plan that have actually been carried out.
Structural and Cohesion Funds are financial tools set up to implement the regional policy of the European Union. They aim to reduce regional disparities in income wealth and opportunities. The overall budget for the 2007-2013 period was €347 billion according to Wikipedia. This repository is a data pipeline. It channels information about the beneficiaries of the funds into the OpenSpending data store. The goal is to provide a unified data-set that is easy to visualize and query so that citizens and journalists can follow the money on a local and global scale. This project is a collaborative effort between Open-Knowledge Germany, Open Knowledge International and a number of journalists and developers.
Structural and Cohesion Funds are financial tools set up to implement the regional policy of the European Union. They aim to reduce regional disparities in income wealth and opportunities. The overall budget for the 2007-2013 period was €347 billion according to Wikipedia. This repository is a data pipeline. It channels information about the beneficiaries of the funds into the OpenSpending data store. The goal is to provide a unified data-set that is easy to visualize and query so that citizens and journalists can follow the money on a local and global scale. This project is a collaborative effort between Open-Knowledge Germany, Open Knowledge International and a number of journalists and developers.
Clinical and MRI data from the ISPY1 clinical trial of patients with breast cancer Description and Objectives The goal of this project is to improve the prediction of clinical outcomes to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with breast cancer.Currently, most patients with breast cancer undergo neoadjuvant chemotherapy, which is aimed to reduce the tumor size (burden) before surgery to remove the tumor or the entire breast. Some of the patients response completely to the therapy and the patient does not present any residual tumor at the time of surgery. On the other hand, some patients have residual disease at the time of surgery and further treatment is required. Data Source These data for 222 patients treated for breast cancer was obtained from the cancer imaging archive and the Breast Imaging Research Program at UCSF, in collaboration with ACRIN, CALGB, the I-SPY TRIAL, and TCIA. More details here . Predictors of clinical outcomes Two types of data are available for this project: Clinical Data as a XLS file with the following fields: Age (Years) Race , encoded as: 1 = Caucasian 3 = African American 4 = Asian 5 = Native Hawaiian 6 = American Indian 50 = Multiple race Estrogen Receptor Status ( ER+ ) encoded as: 1 = Positive 0 = Negative Blank = Indeterminate Progesterone Receptor Status ( PR+ ) encoded as: 1 = Positive 0 = Negative Blank = Indeterminate Hormone Receptor Status ( ER+ ) 1 = Positive 0 = Negative Blank = Indeterminate Bilateral Breast Cancer ( Bilateral ): 1 = Cancer Detected on both breasts 0 = Cancer Detected in a single breast Breast with major or single Tumor ( Laterality ): 1 = Left breast 2 = Right breast Largest tumor dimension at Baseline estimated by MRI ( MRI_LD_Baseline ) Continous variable Largest tumor dimension 1-3 days after NAC estimated by MRI ( MRI_LD_1_3dAC ) Continous variable Largest tumor dimension between cycles of NAC estimated by MRI ( MRI_LD_Int_Reg ) Continous variable Largest tumor dimension before surgery estimated by MRI ( MRI_LD_PreSurg ) Continous variable MRI with contrast at three time points: Modalities: MR, SEG Number of Patients: 222 Number of Studies: 847 Number of Images: 386,528 Images Size (GB) 76.2 GigaByte Clinical Outcomes Several clinical outcomes are described in this data set. Survival Status ( Survival ): 7 = Alive 8 = Dead 9 = Lost to follow up Length of Survival ( Survival_length ): Days from study entry to death or last follow-up Recurrence-free survival ( RFS ): days from from NCAC start until progression or death Recurrence-free survival indicator ( RFS_code ) progression or death (1), removed from survival curve (0) Pathologic Complete Response ( PCR ) post-neoadjuvant ?: 1 = Yes 0 = No Lost (Blank) Residual Cancer Burden class ( RCB ): 0 = RCB index (Class 0) 1 = RCB index less than or equal to 1.36 (Class I) 2 = RCB index greater than 1.36 or equal to 3.28 (Class II) 3 = III, RCB index greater than 3.28 (Class III) Blank = unavailable or no surgery
Zur Verfügung gestellt werden die kameralen Haushaltsdaten der Freien Hansestadt Bremen, genauer des Landes und der Stadtgemeinde Bremen, für die Haushaltsjahre 2016, 2017 sowie 2018.Die Stadt Bremerhaven erstellt einen eigenen Haushaltsplan, der von der Stadtverordnetenversammlung beschlossen wird.Weitere Informationen zu den einzelnen Haushaltsplänen der Hansestadt Bremen finden sich im Transparenzportal Bremen unter
Structural and Cohesion Funds are financial tools set up to implement the regional policy of the European Union. They aim to reduce regional disparities in income wealth and opportunities. The overall budget for the 2007-2013 period was €347 billion according to Wikipedia. This repository is a data pipeline. It channels information about the beneficiaries of the funds into the OpenSpending data store. The goal is to provide a unified data-set that is easy to visualize and query so that citizens and journalists can follow the money on a local and global scale. This project is a collaborative effort between Open-Knowledge Germany, Open Knowledge International and a number of journalists and developers.
Structural and Cohesion Funds are financial tools set up to implement the regional policy of the European Union. They aim to reduce regional disparities in income wealth and opportunities. The overall budget for the 2007-2013 period was €347 billion according to Wikipedia. This repository is a data pipeline. It channels information about the beneficiaries of the funds into the OpenSpending data store. The goal is to provide a unified data-set that is easy to visualize and query so that citizens and journalists can follow the money on a local and global scale. This project is a collaborative effort between Open-Knowledge Germany, Open Knowledge International and a number of journalists and developers.
Structural and Cohesion Funds are financial tools set up to implement the regional policy of the European Union. They aim to reduce regional disparities in income wealth and opportunities. The overall budget for the 2007-2013 period was €347 billion according to Wikipedia. This repository is a data pipeline. It channels information about the beneficiaries of the funds into the OpenSpending data store. The goal is to provide a unified data-set that is easy to visualize and query so that citizens and journalists can follow the money on a local and global scale. This project is a collaborative effort between Open-Knowledge Germany, Open Knowledge International and a number of journalists and developers.
Structural and Cohesion Funds are financial tools set up to implement the regional policy of the European Union. They aim to reduce regional disparities in income wealth and opportunities. The overall budget for the 2007-2013 period was €347 billion according to Wikipedia. This repository is a data pipeline. It channels information about the beneficiaries of the funds into the OpenSpending data store. The goal is to provide a unified data-set that is easy to visualize and query so that citizens and journalists can follow the money on a local and global scale. This project is a collaborative effort between Open-Knowledge Germany, Open Knowledge International and a number of journalists and developers.
The beneficiary list for the ERDF (2007-2013) program for Sachsen.
Structural and Cohesion Funds are financial tools set up to implement the regional policy of the European Union. They aim to reduce regional disparities in income wealth and opportunities. The overall budget for the 2007-2013 period was €347 billion according to Wikipedia. This repository is a data pipeline. It channels information about the beneficiaries of the funds into the OpenSpending data store. The goal is to provide a unified data-set that is easy to visualize and query so that citizens and journalists can follow the money on a local and global scale. This project is a collaborative effort between Open-Knowledge Germany, Open Knowledge International and a number of journalists and developers.
Structural and Cohesion Funds are financial tools set up to implement the regional policy of the European Union. They aim to reduce regional disparities in income wealth and opportunities. The overall budget for the 2007-2013 period was €347 billion according to Wikipedia. This repository is a data pipeline. It channels information about the beneficiaries of the funds into the OpenSpending data store. The goal is to provide a unified data-set that is easy to visualize and query so that citizens and journalists can follow the money on a local and global scale. This project is a collaborative effort between Open-Knowledge Germany, Open Knowledge International and a number of journalists and developers.
Structural and Cohesion Funds are financial tools set up to implement the regional policy of the European Union. They aim to reduce regional disparities in income wealth and opportunities. The overall budget for the 2007-2013 period was €347 billion according to Wikipedia. This repository is a data pipeline. It channels information about the beneficiaries of the funds into the OpenSpending data store. The goal is to provide a unified data-set that is easy to visualize and query so that citizens and journalists can follow the money on a local and global scale. This project is a collaborative effort between Open-Knowledge Germany, Open Knowledge International and a number of journalists and developers.
Structural and Cohesion Funds are financial tools set up to implement the regional policy of the European Union. They aim to reduce regional disparities in income wealth and opportunities. The overall budget for the 2007-2013 period was €347 billion according to Wikipedia. This repository is a data pipeline. It channels information about the beneficiaries of the funds into the OpenSpending data store. The goal is to provide a unified data-set that is easy to visualize and query so that citizens and journalists can follow the money on a local and global scale. This project is a collaborative effort between Open-Knowledge Germany, Open Knowledge International and a number of journalists and developers.
Structural and Cohesion Funds are financial tools set up to implement the regional policy of the European Union. They aim to reduce regional disparities in income wealth and opportunities. The overall budget for the 2007-2013 period was €347 billion according to Wikipedia. This repository is a data pipeline. It channels information about the beneficiaries of the funds into the OpenSpending data store. The goal is to provide a unified data-set that is easy to visualize and query so that citizens and journalists can follow the money on a local and global scale. This project is a collaborative effort between Open-Knowledge Germany, Open Knowledge International and a number of journalists and developers.
Structural and Cohesion Funds are financial tools set up to implement the regional policy of the European Union. They aim to reduce regional disparities in income wealth and opportunities. The overall budget for the 2007-2013 period was €347 billion according to Wikipedia. This repository is a data pipeline. It channels information about the beneficiaries of the funds into the OpenSpending data store. The goal is to provide a unified data-set that is easy to visualize and query so that citizens and journalists can follow the money on a local and global scale. This project is a collaborative effort between Open-Knowledge Germany, Open Knowledge International and a number of journalists and developers.
Structural and Cohesion Funds are financial tools set up to implement the regional policy of the European Union. They aim to reduce regional disparities in income wealth and opportunities. The overall budget for the 2007-2013 period was €347 billion according to Wikipedia. This repository is a data pipeline. It channels information about the beneficiaries of the funds into the OpenSpending data store. The goal is to provide a unified data-set that is easy to visualize and query so that citizens and journalists can follow the money on a local and global scale. This project is a collaborative effort between Open-Knowledge Germany, Open Knowledge International and a number of journalists and developers.
Structural and Cohesion Funds are financial tools set up to implement the regional policy of the European Union. They aim to reduce regional disparities in income wealth and opportunities. The overall budget for the 2007-2013 period was €347 billion according to Wikipedia. This repository is a data pipeline. It channels information about the beneficiaries of the funds into the OpenSpending data store. The goal is to provide a unified data-set that is easy to visualize and query so that citizens and journalists can follow the money on a local and global scale. This project is a collaborative effort between Open-Knowledge Germany, Open Knowledge International and a number of journalists and developers.
Structural and Cohesion Funds are financial tools set up to implement the regional policy of the European Union. They aim to reduce regional disparities in income wealth and opportunities. The overall budget for the 2007-2013 period was €347 billion according to Wikipedia. This repository is a data pipeline. It channels information about the beneficiaries of the funds into the OpenSpending data store. The goal is to provide a unified data-set that is easy to visualize and query so that citizens and journalists can follow the money on a local and global scale. This project is a collaborative effort between Open-Knowledge Germany, Open Knowledge International and a number of journalists and developers.
A list of all the public projects and state aids selected for co-funding under the Partnership Agreement 2014-2020 by Operational Programme and by Fund
In the period of 2007-2013 Estonia was allocated more than 3.40 billion euros from the structural assistance, which will be channelled to the following fields: energy economies, entrepreneurship, administrative capability, education, information society, environment protection, regional and local development, research and development activities, healthcare and welfare, transportation and labour market.
Structural and Cohesion Funds are financial tools set up to implement the regional policy of the European Union. They aim to reduce regional disparities in income wealth and opportunities. The overall budget for the 2007-2013 period was €347 billion according to Wikipedia. This repository is a data pipeline. It channels information about the beneficiaries of the funds into the OpenSpending data store. The goal is to provide a unified data-set that is easy to visualize and query so that citizens and journalists can follow the money on a local and global scale. This project is a collaborative effort between Open-Knowledge Germany, Open Knowledge International and a number of journalists and developers.
Tirol is a region in Austria. From 2007-2013 it has received ESF funding through the national program and ERDF funding through a regional program. The regional program is called "Stärkung der Regionalen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Beschäftigung Tirol 2007-2013". The dataset at hand describes the funding distributed through said program.
Structural and Cohesion Funds are financial tools set up to implement the regional policy of the European Union. They aim to reduce regional disparities in income wealth and opportunities. The overall budget for the 2007-2013 period was €347 billion according to Wikipedia. This repository is a data pipeline. It channels information about the beneficiaries of the funds into the OpenSpending data store. The goal is to provide a unified data-set that is easy to visualize and query so that citizens and journalists can follow the money on a local and global scale. This project is a collaborative effort between Open-Knowledge Germany, Open Knowledge International and a number of journalists and developers.
Data on the evolution of the COVID-19 disease in Brazil, processed from each state Health Secretariat's COVID-19 daily reports.
Structural and Cohesion Funds are financial tools set up to implement the regional policy of the European Union. They aim to reduce regional disparities in income wealth and opportunities. The overall budget for the 2007-2013 period was €347 billion according to Wikipedia. This repository is a data pipeline. It channels information about the beneficiaries of the funds into the OpenSpending data store. The goal is to provide a unified data-set that is easy to visualize and query so that citizens and journalists can follow the money on a local and global scale. This project is a collaborative effort between Open-Knowledge Germany, Open Knowledge International and a number of journalists and developers.
Structural and Cohesion Funds are financial tools set up to implement the regional policy of the European Union. They aim to reduce regional disparities in income wealth and opportunities. The overall budget for the 2007-2013 period was €347 billion according to Wikipedia. This repository is a data pipeline. It channels information about the beneficiaries of the funds into the OpenSpending data store. The goal is to provide a unified data-set that is easy to visualize and query so that citizens and journalists can follow the money on a local and global scale. This project is a collaborative effort between Open-Knowledge Germany, Open Knowledge International and a number of journalists and developers.
The beneficiary list of the ESF and ERDF programme for the UK.
One massive xls dataset containing all bulgarian ESIF data. Web interface contains even more data, so scraping may be advisable additionally. Can't be directly linked!
The beneficiary list for the ESIF (2014-2020) program for Hungary.
The beneficiary list of the ESF programme for Netherlands 2007-2013.
Tweets of Congress from Alex Litel About Tweets of Congress is Alex Litel 's attempt to collate the entirety of Congress’ daily Twitter output using an automated process that checks Twitter on a fixed interval. Archives are available on Github and in JSON form. You can find JSON datasets linked in posts or in Github repository . Due to size constraints, archives will be limited at some tbd point. Tweets of Congress is the front-end portion of a project collecting the daily tweets of both houses of Congress, encompassing 1,000+ campaign, office, committee and party accounts. It's designed to be used in concert with the Congressional Tweet Automator, which creates the content in this repo (among other things). For more information on the process of how everything is compiled, visit the aforementioned repo for the Automator. The collected tweets are available as JSON datasets, which are generated around midnight EST. You can find them in this repository inside the data folder, and they are also linked at the site. To do a little more with the datasets, you may want to check out the users-filtered.json dataset -- which contains metadata for all the accounts the project follows for tweet collection -- in the automation repo. Due to size constraints, archives will cut off at some point, and because the automation portion interfaces with low-level Github and Git features, the commit history may be volatile and subject to change. Also, most commits in this repo will come from an account that is completely automated. This site is open-source, so feel free to fork or whatever to your heart's content. For any issues or other feedback, file an issue, make a pull request, or send me an email. Acknowledgments Jekyll site is built on John Otander's Pixyll theme.Dataset was created with the help of the @unitedstates/congress-legislators project. #Licence MIT License Copyright (c) 2017 Alex Litel Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to dealin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sellcopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Read more about the license . Source:
daily time series of COVID-19 case summary tables, including confirmed, deaths and recovered. All data are from the daily case report.
Presupuesto Aprobado y Devengado para el estado de Querétaro en 2019.
Tabelas Relatório de Risco (CMVM) 2007Fonte:ções (somas, etc)Data recolha dados 07/15
Conditions data in species other than cattle, poultry, pigs and sheep & goats, collected by Food Standards Agency staff at approved meat establishments as a percentage of throughput. The data is aggregated to country level and is shown by month.
All outside appointments or employment taken up by former HMRC staff at senior civil service levels SCS1 and SCS2.
Cattle condition data collected by Food Standards Agency staff at approved meat establishments as a percentage of cattle throughput. The data is aggregated to country level and is shown by month.
Pig condition data collected by Food Standards Agency staff at approved meat establishments as a percentage of pig throughput. The data is aggregated to country level and is shown by month. Pig throughput data currently represents 50% of total throughput and will be updated as throughput data from remaining approved establishments becomes available.
Poultry condition data collected by Food Standards Agency staff at approved meat establishments as a percentage of poultry throughput. The data is aggregated to country level and is shown by month.
Guidance and information on hygiene for shellfish producers including bio-toxin and phytoplankton results.
This is a template datapackage.json file for producing a Tabular Data Package of data according to the Human Services Data Specification. You should provide an edited version of this file as part of any datapackage you provide, updating the title, description, license and homepage information to reflect the data you are publishing.
Sheep & goat condition data collected by Food Standards Agency staff at approved meat establishments as a percentage of sheep & goat throughput. The data is aggregated to country level and is shown by month.
A list of dairy producers registered with the Food Standards Agency
Remuneração dos Servidores Ativos do Poder Executivo
The Food Standards Agency publishes all Government procurement card (GPC) transactions. This supports the Government's drive for transparency and the Agency's own core value of openness and transparency.
This dataset includes expenditure data as published in the Estimates of Provincial Revenue and Expenditure. Departmental expenditure data in previous financial years have been aligned with the budget and programme structures of departments as they are structured in the current Medium Term Expenditure Framework.
This dataset includes expenditure data as published in the Estimates of National Expenditure. Departmental expenditure data in previous financial years have been aligned with the budget and programme structures of departments as they are structured in the current Medium Term Expenditure Framework.
A summary of local authority activity in relation to food law enforcement at food establishments. Includes summary statistics on the numbers of inspections conducted and their outcomes.
Results of every bout (top two divisions) in Japanese sumo wrestling grand tournaments (honbasho) going back a few years
Details of the business expenses of the FSA's Directors, its Chair and Board members. The Government is committed to setting new standards for transparency so that the public can more easily see how and where taxpayers’ money is being spent and hold politicians, Government departments and public bodies to account. On this page we are publishing details of the business expenses incurred by the FSA’s Chair, Board members and senior staff.
A list of companies exporting to the European Union currently made subject by the European Commission to re-enforced checks (those with the statuses ‘Active’, ‘Imposing checks’ or ‘New’ in the re-enforced checks part of the TRACES system). It is possible that certain companies who have recently been made subject to checks and have yet to have a check carried out on them may not be on this list.
High-risk food of non-animal origin and products of animal origin imported into the United Kingdom via approved designated ports.
High-risk food of products of animal origin imported into the United Kingdom via approved designated ports.
Monthly information on staff numbers and paybill costs in the FSA, both payroll and non-payroll including consultants. Split between full-time equivalents (FTE) and headcount and mapped to standard Civil Service grades. Costs are broken down by salaries, allowances and contributions, or costs for consultancy.